Well, my walls are bare, my desks are in rows, and my room is dull and lifeless. Standardized testing time must be here! :) In all seriousness, testing time can really take its toll on both me and my students. As 3rd graders, they've never taken ISTEP (one of the standardized tests that Indiana requires) before, and most of them are super-nervous. I've been walking a fine line between helping them grasp the seriousness of the test and trying to keep them relaxed and positive...which isn't easy! High-stakes testing has changed education dramatically and with SO much riding on three hours of testing (out of 180 days of school), we're all a little crazed right now. However, I have managed (just barely) to squeeze in a little fun here and there.
First, I equipped my students with an "ISTEP Testing Survival Kit". I was looking for a small way to give my kids a little extra encouragement and positivity to lead them into next week. So, here's a picture of what each child received and what each item in the kit represents:
(Feel free to email me if you'd like the document I created that lists the contents of the kit.)
They were very excited and surprised to get them! I waited until the very end of the day today and it paid off. I am going to let them keep the "kit" in their desks during the week and indulge in a treat here and there. Now all I need is a Teacher Survival Kit... ;)
If you're looking for a good book to read to your students just before/during testing time, I recommend
Testing Miss Malarkey by Judy Finchler. It paints a great picture of what really happens to a school setting during testing week!
I wish all of my fellow teachers that are administering tests the best of luck! It can be a stressful time, but it can also be really rewarding when your students exceed your expectations and give it all they've got!